I was treated the most delicious porridge today from ah kim. She is such a good cook. Her porridge is always just nice, not too thick, not too watery and with lots of ingredients : chicken meat, chicken skin, scallops, fish something (i dunno wat izzit called) & ABALONE!!! Now you know why her porridge is the best. She is always generous when it comes to putting in ingredients. I can never know how to cook a proper pot of porridge. It always turns into a pot of starch. No matter how much/little water i put, it becomes starchy in the end. That's it, not going to cook porridge anymore. I've tried to learn from ah kim on how to cook a nice pot of porridge. Instead of teaching me, she is going to ta pao the ingredients for me instead and let me try at home....alamak...such a waste. It's going to be starch + abalone..blekkkk... If only i can cook well. Hubby never complains whenever i cook. Sometimes pity him too cos usually when i cook badly, i myself will not touch the particular dish & poor him has to finish them all :p He's a better cook than me, no doubt about that but yet he never complains :P